All Saints is the largest church in the benefice serving the largest community. This community is still expanding resulting in the villages of Poringland and Framingham Earl coalescing.
Under the current COVID19 guidelines a Sunday Service of Common Worship Morning Prayer is being held on the first and Second Sundays of the month, starting at 9.30am. See our homepage for details of regular church services. Previously we held regular weekly Sunday services and a wide range of church and community activities, a parish communion at 9.30am on the first three Sundays of the month and a family service (Baptism) at 9.30am on the fourth Sunday of the month. Also on the Second Sunday, a Sunday Club for children aged 5 to 8 years, starting at 9.30am, with a Benefice service is held on any fifth Sunday in a month. Common Worship is used.
We would normally have a team of musicians to lead our worship and to accompany the organist. The Alpha Course is strongly supported as a means of nurturing as well as introducing the Christian faith. Mid-week groups also meet for men, women and young people. A weekly prayer group meets weekly via Zoom.
Our priority as a church family is to know the Lord Jesus Christ and to make him known in ways that are relevant and meaningful to today's society. We offer a very warm welcome to everyone, especially to younger generations and families.