Foodbank Within the Poringland & Framingham Earl Community
Please help local people in crisis by buying items from the shopping list and leaving them in the collection boxes below.
Donations can be made at the Octagon whilst the Post Office is open on the days/times below.
All Saints Church - Octagon
Sundays, 9.30 to 11.30am
Please leave items in the clear plastic box in the Octagon. Services are held on the first, second, third and fifth weeks of the month.
Fridays, 9.30 - 11.30am (Whilst Post Office is open)
Contact Robert Parsonage
Tel: 01508 492215
Methodist Church - Pigot Lane
Sunday - 10.30 – 12 noon
Please leave items in the porch during the service
Contact Sandra Cogman
Tel: 01508 492499
poringland rc church - upgate
Any day - 9.30am - 7.30pm
Please leave items in the green boxes in the entrance area of the church
Contact Siobhan Korolev Tel: 07841821384
poringland village hall (coffee stop)
Wednesday - 10am - 12 noon
Contact Graham Smith Tel: 01508 492096
financial donations
Financial donations are very gratefully received. For BACS transfers please mark your donation ‘Foodbank’ and use: Account Name: Poringland Parochial Church Council
Account no: 23813371
Sort Code: 20-45-45
Contact Julian Foster Tel: 01508 493225
Shopping List
The items in italics are those that are currently needed urgently. Currently we are well stocked with: Baked Beans and feminine hygiene products, thank you. For the most up to date ‘most in need’ items please see here:
Long Life Milk
Soap Powder / Washing Gel (small quantities)
Sponge Pudding (Tinned / Long Life)
Instant Mashed Potato
Nappies - especially sizes 5 & 6
Long Life Fruit Juice
Tinned Fruit
Sweets / Bars of chocolate
Tinned Custard
Jam / Peanut Butter
Pasta Sauce - especially Tomato based (not curry sauces)
Toiletries; including deodorants, shower gel, shampoo, toilet rolls, shaving gel / foam, razors, etc
Washing Up Liquid & Sponges
Pet Food (Dog & Cat)
Tinned Potatoes
Tomatoes - tinned
Cereal / Snack bars
Biscuits (Sweet)
Powdered Milk
Rice Pudding Tinned
Vegetables - tinned, especially Carrots, Sweetcorn & Green Beans
Tinned Fish
Tea Bags (40's) / Instant Coffee
Tinned Meat - Ham, Chicken in Sauce, Corned Beef
Thank you for your support
In 2023 approximately 1,416kg of food was distributed to 85 homes in the Poringland, Framingham Earl and surrounding communities, equivalent to feeding 198 people who are in crisis for 3 days.
The Foodbank gives three days of emergency food to individuals and families in crisis. Local care professionals in the area refer people to a distribution centre with a food voucher.
Norwich Foodbank
Henderson Business Centre,
51 Ivy Road, Norwich, NR5 8BF
Tel: 0300 365 1123